Wednesday 11 January 2017

Primrose flower seed germination

Primrose is a biennial plant grows in America.It can be started from seed.It has a benefit, it can be sowed directly in the soil.Frost is harmful to this plant or seed.It is a fragrant flower plant.


Height :36-60" tall
Sunlight: full sun
Soil: Sandy Soil, Loamy Soil
Zone:7, 8, 9
Flower colour: mixed
Life cycle: biennials
Bloom time: summer
Water: average
Spacing: 18 to 24"

Most important: Avoid Rainy day or a cloudy weather for sowing the seeds.
You will definitely get nothing unless you wait for the bright sunny day and clear weather.

Primrose is very easy to grow. Sow the seed direct to the soil or can use a big a ready pot for til to flowering.

Use a flat seedling tray and its deep will be 10 centimetres, and fill seedling media to within 3/4  of the rim with a sterile potting soil or sieved vermiculite as a professional media . Fill the tray with diluted fungicide water (2gm in 1-litre water). Make sure you have plenty of holes in it for good water drainage. And  Allow the soil in the flat to absorb the water through the bottom drainage holes until the soil surface becomes moist.

Sow seeds after soaking the seeds overnight on the soil surface apart 2 in. Since the seeds were tiny, need to cover with sieved vermiculite dust for a  light covering. This way the seeds will hide . Do not put the seed deep inside so be  careful about putting the seed because seeds will not go deep into the mixture.

Moist again with diluted fungicide water ensure the soil surface it's evenly moist. Ideal germination temperature is between 12 and 15 degrees Centigrade. Lower temperatures do no harm, but anything over 18 Centigrade is fatal.

 Inspect regularly and water as necessary. Do not allow the compost to dry out.The Primula usually sprout within 15  to 20 days.As soon as the seeds sprout remove the cover. Protect against slugs. Polyanthus and primrose sprout within three weeks. Few species are slower and may take six weeks. Most of the species need natural freezing and thawing to get them started so it's important to sow as early as possible.

Use a dilute fungicide water for this sprinkling as a prophylactic against damping off.
Gradually move the pot to a brighter area with six to eight hours of daily sunlight for a two-week period so that at the end of that time they're acclimated to being in full sunlight. Water the seedlings when the soil surface feels dry.

Transplant the Primula outdoors or in a new pot when they at least four leaves. Plant at them 8 to 14 inches apart on the ready ground with same depth were they growing at previously. Primulas establish much faster if a good root system has developed before they are moved. Wait until you have at least four leaves before you pick out.

Sow Outdoors: Surface. Following the last frost. Spacing 4 to 24 inches (10 to 60 cm).

Sow Indoors: Mix seeds in a growing medium, place in a freezer bag, keep moist, then stratify by refrigeration for two to three weeks. Use peat pots. Germination time: one to three weeks in the light. Temperature 75°F (24°C). Seven or eight weeks in advance. Transplant outdoors in the last month of spring.


1. Primrose contains much of fatty acid.

2.Primrose oil is helpful to heart.

3.Primrose oil is used to reduce hair-fall.

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